Saturday, February 9, 2008

Training is in full gear

Well I am back at it preparing for the 2008 season and have some pretty bold goals for the year.
I will start the season off at home competing in the USA National Duathlon Championships on April 27th. This race is slated to be a 10k run followed by a 40k bike with one more 5k tacked on at the end for good measure. Based on last years results and what I am capable of a Team USA slot for Worlds is not out of the question. What a treat that this race will be held in Richmond and I will be able to sleep in my own bed the night before. My season then takes me to Orlando, FL in mid May for the Ford Ironman 70.3 race. This race is where I completed my first 70.3 mile trialthon in 2007 and I am going back with a ton more experience and strength to hopefully light the course up and grab a World Qualifer Spot which would take me back to Clearwater, FL in November for Worlds. These races are a priority, but my main focus for 2008 is Ironman Louisville in late August. This will be my first crack at the 140.6 mile Ironman Distance. For those of you unfamiler with this starts with a 2.4 mile swim followed by a 112 mille bike, and topped off with a full 26.2 mile marathon. This has been a life long dream of mine since I was a kid watching the Ironman on ABC's Wide World of Sports with my father. Well with any luck my parents will be there to see it in person. Well that lays out my goals for the first half of the 2008 season and the second half will be determined by the results I see in the begining.
Wish me luck and I hope to see some of you along the way.

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